Real-time data collection performance on USArray Transportable Array

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The interactive plot below shows two plots; daily data return rates and the number of stations for each network over its contribution to the USArray Transportable Array. The minimum daily data return percentage required to meet the project standards is 85% (dashed line) and shown on the upper plot.

Click a network code button to change the display to plot the respective network data. To zoom in on a time period, scroll your mousewheel or trackpad over the plot. Drag the plot left or right to move backwards or forwards in time. As you zoom in, the time scale along the x-axis of the plot will dynamically update.

These plots are simple summaries only. Several contributing networks have known issues with channel names, including location codes, that have inconsistently changed over the lifespan of the experiment. This has implications in the calculation of the daily data return rates for those networks.

This plot is created using the d3.js visualization library.

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USArray Transportable Array (TA)

Data return rates on real-time system

Number of total configured stations

? - ?
(mousewheel to zoom, drag to pan)