DLMON: ta [] Yukon Observatory
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The table below shows some values as reported by the stations in realtime. We expand that information with parameters from our database (ie. VNET, COMMTYPE, PROVIDER, STANAME). We also include values from local systems that are tracking the communication infrastructure for some sites. That will be fields included in the "Intermapper" view.
Some values are restricted to the general public for having sensitive information about the sites. To get those values on the table the user most log into the ADMIN PAGE first. Then come back to this tool and reload the page.
Some fields will allow you open a plot of the historical values of that field. NOT EVERY FIELD WILL HAVE PLOTS. Mostly limited to parameters with numerical values that we track in a RRD database. You will see a link option on the values that will open the RRD plots.
Each column is forward and reverse sortable by clicking the column header. To sort in multiple columns press SHIFT and then click on a different column.
The header of each column will stay at the top of your screen when you scroll down. It will always stay visible for you to identify the field type of the values that you are seeing.
There is a small gray bar immediately under the column headers. Hover over this bar (or click) to open some input fields that will allow you to search and subset your table. Each text field should expand and only subset the respective column. Some logical operators and regular-expressions (regex) are possible.
visible for you to identify the field type of the values that you are seeing.There is no auto-refresh/auto-load on the page nor the data in it. It is a static view of the systems at the time the request was made. It will require a manual refresh to see the latest data reported by the sites.
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